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Month: April, 2012

April ….

….. three published. Happy about that.

The notion to attempt to integrate the various disparate but linked conclusions to the decades of puzzlement seems possible. 

Pity that the monopolists are bent on killing off all independent authors, but then the I Ching would chuckle … there are always “the times” and these will be as they have come to be …… 


First year at the new machine ….

Three titles to publish this month and a half dozen more in advanced production.

The trade itself started for me as a completely unknown event, I sat at the keyboard one day intending to draw the next in the Desolation Series and decided to write a thriller instead. That’s all it was.

Then I noted that Amazon eBook sales exceeded hardback sales for them, or something like that. A report in the New York Times. Coincidence, and irrelevant since my interest was now writing.

After that all hell broke loose in the market place with Libraries closing and being dropped from State funding, Bricks and Mortar establishments closing, eBook wars between Amazon, the USA Dept of Justice, and Apple, Kindle sales going through the roof, iPad sales going through the roof. All of that has been almost interesting too, but again, mostly irrelevant my interest is writing.

Now it comes time to see what publishing options are out there.

The first choice seemed to be to get hardbacks into stores. That course depended on too many optimum conditions – finding an agent, the agent finding a publisher, the publisher achieving distribution, the stores selling. I tried it a few times but another issue has been the cost to me to even get into an agent’s slush pile.

So it’s eBooks and now the issue is Amazon’s exclusive Kindle or all the other formats that are available to all. Curious that Apple seems to be not as exclusive in this arena as I understand it to be in other aspects of its product strategies. In any case, I do not follow it that deeply since I need get on with writing.

The conclusion is to live with the USA’s 30% tax and I’m thinking of going with Smashwords. Two covers are done, one more to do. The three books need a week or two more work on them. Then they are on their way and I can get back to writing.

These are the two covers so far:



“Let us go then you and I …..

…… to the Lake Isle of ….. til human voices wake us and we drown.”


We will sail, my lady and I …

… not on any ocean other than the vast water of the universe itself and not in any vessel other than the bodies we are born to … we will sail from all that is not these things and there we will be and there will be no others.


Voidscape Epitaxy … a rewrite of the plot. Nothing like the initial idea. 17K words into it. Keen to get to the end, I want to see how they finally deal to the bad guys!!


That’s a trap …

Listening to excellent advice on writing on Twitter. Messed up my writing for about 20K words! Gonna do it my way 🙂

Fully on this one by Greg van Eekhout  “Hey, is there anything I can do to not be hurt by the DOJ/Amazon/publisher thingie? Cuz, if not, I’m just gonna go ahead and write.”



Learning …

…. refining systems of course but still a long way to go.

Recognising wrong turns in the plot is still not quite as slick as it should be. For example ….

My style of writing is to start at the beginning and just write the story. At any point in the story some dynamic is usually obviously necessary. To select the wrong dynamic then leads to a complete stop to work. It takes me a long time to understand why I have stopped work.

Another issue is the need to “bang’em out now and tart’em up later” …. there is no later. I need to bang’em out and that’s the end of that one. This means that I am not doing other things as well. I am not reading anything that might be trending, nor am I making any effort to learn to write better. i just have to live with that and hope.

Apart from that, 5K words today. Averaging 3K per day. The market place for publishing is confused and yet it seems to me that the various issues are clear. As far as my own guesses are concerned I am headed in the write direction.

“There is nothing one can say of art …..

………………………………………… that is better than not saying anything at all”

– Wittgenstein.

So far as art is concerned, this phrase defines the art that words may be so far as I am concerned, so I will post it frequently.

The phrase can transpose Art with Love.

For people who have no concept of semantic logic and the limits of language there is only endless noise, endless definition, rearrangement …. endless distance from either art or love.

Now that I have invented this one, I will repeat it often too:

If the message is to be silence, what words could be used?